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1 on 1 Healing

Healing Relationship with Father

"Unconditional love healing has truly and profoundly changed my life.
Since my first big shift in my one on one with Simon, the vibration of me and the relationships in my life has changed incredibly. I feel more "myself" than I've ever felt before. I feel more at peace and in love with my life and who I am. The first change I noticed was with my father. We connected on a deeper level and everything I've ever wanted from him was given to me in one conversation on the phone with him...and that was because I no longer made him responsible for how I felt and who I was. I saw him in his truth and loved him for that because I allowed love to fill that part of me first."

- Fenda Ashworth

Healing Chronic Thyroid Condition and Fatigue

"In 1998, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease resulting in a myriad of symptoms in my case mainly extreme fatigue, depression, allergies, fibromyalgia, foggy mind and a consistent burning sensation in my throat. Over the years I have used a variety of allopathic and alternative treatments and spiritual and energy healing modalities, too numerous to list. All of these helped somewhat but I still required 1 day of bed rest for every two or three I days worked. If I worked a full week, my whole weekend was taken up recuperating. Most mornings I would have to have breakfast in bed simply to get moving.

After my sessions with Simon, I’ve had no fibromyalgia , no burning sensations in my throat,and no foggy mind. Instead I’ve had consistent energy, no bed rest days and no breakfasts in bed to get me started. For the past 5 months, no matter how late I go to sleep, I wake up and want to get up around 7am most mornings. For most of my life I’ve had difficulty coping with anything less than 9 hours sleep so this has been a revelation and a joy to me. I am daily thankful for and in awe of the consistent and (to me) miraculous results I’ve experienced from Simon’s healing work."


Khryssi T

Creating a Deeply Loving Relationship after Years of Difficulty

"I'd experienced a trail of disastrous relationships over many years, and I was starting to wonder if I'd ever meet a man I could have a healthy loving relationship with. After some sessions with Simon I am now in a healthy, loving, respectful relationship with a man who is treating me better than I've ever been treated before. We are blissfully happy and now living together! I'm amazed at how quickly things can shift and change can take place! Thanks Simon!!"

Kristy Winn

Healing Chronic Depression

"I had suffered from depression for many years, but it had gotten worst in the last 2 years. I had no energy no motivation to do anything and just pure negative thoughts running through my mind. I'd seen a bunch of different therapists and psychologists which hadn't helped. After my work with Simon, I’m now a brand new me, a me that I never knew I could be.  I’m in a new job, in a new place, with real happiness in my life I haven't felt for ages. I plead to anyone who currently suffers from depression there is help out there and you are not alone."

- Matt

Deep healing in relationship

"Working with Simon has helped me create profound healing in my relationship with my daughter. Our relationship has shifted from daily anxiety, frequent tension and contraction to mutual respect, understanding and joy. I feel so much more empowered now. I'd recommend anyone seeking true change and healing to experience the power of Unconditional Love."

Eloise Meskanen

Healing Chronic Lung Disease 

"Since I live out of Sydney, Simon worked with me over the phone for a chronic lung condition. After the third session, lung tests showed improvements in function that could be measured. That was good reassurance for my for the doctor, but what I loved was being able to do so many more things - only realising afterwards that I'd been active at a level I would not have even thought of before. The really amazing thing is that it all seemed quite normal.

The healing gave me renewed optimism. Releasing so many old unproductive patterns makes me feel that life can be an adventure again. While we concentrated on the constellation of issues surrounding the lungs, Simon could intuitively pinpoint other issues in a very surprising way. So while I came in for one thing, I left with with so much more resolved. It's been simply wonderful."

Julie Collin


Healing Pain from Being Abused

"Dear Simon, I want to thank you again for the healing sessions. The first time we worked together, it was so difficult for me to see things from a 'place of love' especially with being abused. You were so gentle and patient and there certainly was a shift as my thoughts and feelings changed to see 'from a place of love'.After the latest healing, I felt beautiful 'waves' of love running through my body.

I know things are shifting and I have learnt very quickly to move from a negative state to see situations and cover it with love thus moving in a completely different direction. With love so much can be achieved, those were always my thoughts but you have now helped make it a reality. Thank you for your gentleness, your teachings and love. With deep gratitude and love xx"

Marie T B, Medical Secretary, Sydney

Knowing I am worthy of love

"I started working with Simon six month’s ago on my relationship problems and after the first session, I felt something fundamentally shifted within me straight away. Using the philosophy of unconditional love, he challenged my deep-rooted negative self beliefs and instilled the idea that we are all worthy of love and compassion. And with that, it set me off on a journey to discover happiness from within.


In our recent block of work, Simon created a warm and safe environment in which we explored that pain, anger and sadness from my last relationship. In our latest session especially, I walked out feeling like a huge weight had lifted off my shoulder and with a grin on my face that radiated from within. I avoided pain all too often. But through welcoming my emotions, I learned the false beliefs that I did not know existed. And more importantly, I got to know and feel that I am worthy of love and belonging. So thank you, Simon"

Rex He, Market Research Specialist

Letting go of unworthiness and self-criticism

"My sessions with Simon has freed me from a lifelong feeling of never giving friends and work mates the attention they deserve. The healings were my first ever over the phone, but he made me feel safe to share my deepest feelings. Before long I was having a series of "Aha!" type realisations as events from way back in my childhood became clearly linked with my current barrier. I'd never even associated them before...but they were definitely the key. 

Two weeks later and I've had a good chance to test drive a new way of relating. I've ousted my self-critical side-kick and somehow don’t even think of things that way anymore. It’s obvious now that no-one else but me ever saw it that way anyhow. Every interaction is now simply easier and what I put out there is coming back as much more genuine and less forced. Thanks so much for your help Simon."


Eric V, Health Researcher

Been on the path for 10 years

"Simon has a calm and intuitive way of guiding my healing process. Even though I've already been on the healing journey for 10 years, I really benefited from Simon guiding me to see and feel deeply within. Simon does embody the energy of unconditional love and acceptance, which is essential for me to create safety and real depth. Thank you Simon, for your gifts and service to humanity."

Nicolas Perrin 

Back-pain and scoliosis


I have suffered with Scoliosis and back pain for as long as I can remember and have worked with countless different modalities over the years. Although I've seen relief at times, it has always come back eventually just as painfully as before. Since my consultation with Simon last night, my pain has rapidly improved to the point where I woke up this morning pain free for the first time!

Simon's technique is gentle yet incredibly thorough, and through uncovering some long held limiting beliefs he helped me get to the causes of the problem, and cleared it. Simon is very intuitive & made me feel very comfortable & relaxed. I would highly recommend Simon to anyone who would benefit from putting down their baggage and freeing themselves from pain and unnecessary suffering. Thanks again Simon!


Tracy Thorpe


Getting a new job after being out of work

I am grateful that I have met Simon. He has helped me to understand and transform my life. I have had a number of inhibitions relating to my family, my career and my personal life. I had belief systems that separated me from people who I needed to relate to most. In particular I was out of work for nearly 1 year. Having applied for many jobs on my new career path of IT, I was unable to manifest a suitable place despite numerous job interviews. Simon was able to isolate belief systems that were blocking me. Having cleared these I have now been and my new job for nearly a year since and continue to move forward in different areas of my life.

I believe also that his guidance and spiritual understanding was something that was able to help me understand my place in the world - before I often felt like a fish out of water. I would recommend healing from Simon to anyone looking to have a fuller, unimpeded life with more unconditional love towards all.


Amit Lal, IT Professional


Transforming into a new person

Through Simon's healing I have completely transformed into a new person. Prior to working with Simon I had rarely felt my emotions and bodily sensations. Simon incorporates all of his healing techniques and opens up a portal for you to fully immerse yourself in your emotions and body sensations from a full-blown somatic experience. We travelled through belief-after-belief, smashing them and transforming them into pure unconditional love. I highly recommend Simon, as he is in a zone unparalleled by any other healer I've come across.



Back & Neck Pain

Thank you Simon for the profound effortless grace & accuracy of my healing I received with you, and rapid results. Amazing! - I made the appointment with you because two weeks earlier I became acutely aware of some areas of my life that were repeatedly 'not working'. The day before my appointment suddenly my neck and shoulder became severely cramped, spasming with excruciating pain, impossible to find a relaxed position or sleep, my entire nervous system was shaken. Nothing I did helped ,not even an emergency Chiropractic session.

 Incredibly, within an hour, my previously debilitating life long pattern was gone replaced this with a feeling of being able to have what is truly best for me, and the pain in my neck and shoulder was released and healthy, although we had not specifically addressed this! Simon I truly appreciate this miracle........thank you" I highly  recommend Simon, as he is in a zone unparalleled by any other healer I've come across.


Suzanne Scott - CEO

Being finally free of anxiety

"My first session with Simon, several months ago, had instant results. He very kindly booked me in at short notice, as an event that morning had caused anxiety to such a degree, unlike I had ever known, that I was absolutely desperate to get rid of it. I had already been dealing with unusually high anxiety for several months due to a complex situation, and had managed to keep the anxiety under control. However, this event had pushed me so far I could not think straight.


The hours waiting for the session were filled with utter despair and stress. However, by the end of the session, the anxiety was almost completely gone. Over the next day or so, other feelings I had been unaware of about the situation, due to the anxiety, were able to surface and completely resolve. I am so grateful to Simon. He was totally open-minded, patient, and supportive as he skilfully guided me in finding the root issues and sending them gently on their way."



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